
The Dark Glow Of The Mountains - 1984 - Germany

The Dark Glow Of The Mountains - 1984 - 6/10
AKA - Gasherbrum: Der leuchtende Berg

Early Herzog documentary follows climbers Hans Kammerlander and Reinhold Messner.
They intend to ascend two Gasherbrum peaks (Kashmir) in one expedition, without oxygen.
Less an extreme sport documentary than a study of the mountaineers.
What drives them, their thoughts on fallen climbers, realizing their place in vast Nature.
Sure, there are breathtaking angles, most from a dizzying upward trajectory.
Yet this is not another “Hey, look at me!” soul, begging endorsements.
Reinhold and Hans do this because they feel compelled to.
Subs = https://subscene.com/subtitles/gasherbrum-der-leuchtende-berg/english/2861801