
The Notorious Landlady - 1962 - USA

The Notorious Landlady - 1962 - 6/10

Gridley of the US State Department is transferred to London.
He finds accommodations at Grubbage Square, well appointed and close to work.
Mrs. Hardwicke, landlady, is an ex-pat Yank, and either divorced, separated or widowed.
No matter, she’s easy to look at, possessing a gorgeous set of hazel eyes.

Then Gridley finds out Scotland Yard believes Mrs. Hardwicke murdered her husband.
And all the neighbors, observant as cats, have decided he will be victim number two.
The story staggers like a drunk down a foggy lane.  Mystery, murder, Gothic, comedy.
If an extremely silly finale does not put you off, this makes for a charming rom-com.