
The Pillow Book - 1996 - Netherlands

The Pillow Book - 1996 - 6/10

Nagiko, model living in Hong Kong, merges art with physical pleasure
From childhood, her father had written calligraphy on her body and this is now an obsession.
Now an adult, she begins writing stories on the naked bodies of lovers.
As with many Peter Greenaway films, there is a tremendous amount of nudity.
To Westerners, characters and storylines may blur as Asian, yet there are really contrasts of Hong Kong and Japanese cultures, with the injection of Jerome, Nagiko’s lover.
Arthouse, approaching pretentious at times, some visuals recall Kwaidan.
I am convinced when I saw this theatrically, Pillow Book was widescreen.  Everything I read now states Greenaway supervised the 4 X 3 transfer.