
Crimes Of Passion - 1984 - USA

Crimes Of Passion - 1984 - 6/10

By any other hand, this might be a steamy erotic thriller, a genre in vogue for a decade.
A Ken Russell film, though, brace for something “different”.
Bobby, hired to investigate industrial espionage, discovers his quarry is designer by day, prostitute by night.
Soon enough, he initiates a … hmm … a connection with her
As if one stalker isn’t bad enough, she also attracts a weird minister.
Anthony Perkins (sadly typecast throughout his later career) memorable as the wacko, obsessed preacher.
The film had / has a scurrilous reputation, reason enough to watch when it came out.
I found it disappointing, then learned the R rating had trimmed naughty bits.
By the time I viewed an unrated version, well, the world and I had moved on.
Don’t watch this for sex, watch to enjoy the repartee between China Blue and Reverend Shayne.
As I tell young colleagues, you want to see hot action, get a mirror and an enthusiastic partner.