
Thom Pain - 2017 - USA

Thom Pain - 2017 - 6/10

Thom reaches the stage, opens with a story of childhood innocence, crushed by Fate and bad luck.
Join the club, Barney, I think.
An audience member departs – visibly – possibly staged.  My suspicion begins.
Next, the female.  THE female, the one.  Their relationship, like 99.7% of unions, sours.  Get over it.
Thom shrugs the “whatever” attitude, barely concealing his pity party.
From time to time he addresses or singles out audience members in the front row.
No one responds (which in most theatre, someone would), of which I suspect they have been instructed.
Also, the ticket buying public appear to be the flip-flop crowd, yet the front row are model specimens.
The editing and cutaways display the artificiality of this outing.  And Thom?   Thom is yesterday’s raffle loser.