
Pride And Prejudice - 1980 - UK

Pride And Prejudice - 1980 - 8/10

This gem is often overlooked, eclipsed in popularity by the 2005 film and the superlative 1995 series.
Airing just before the 1980’s asserted its own identity, this 70ish production boasts great costumes and exteriors.
Most of the drama occurs in drawing rooms, libraries, dens, where the flat 1970’s look suffers.
The casting, however, is the strength of this, and it is impeccable.
Moray Watson and Priscilla Morgan as Mr and Mrs Bennett are marvelous, polar opposites.
Both Mary Bennett and Charlotte Lucas receive more due here than in any other version.
The leads, Elizabeth Garvie and David Rintoul, possess an electric chemistry.
Garvie makes a keen, witty, observant Eliza, barely keeping herself in check.
Rintoul’s Darcy is austere, aloof, ever alert.  Watching them fence is thrilling.
Excellent companion / contrast to the 1995, and perhaps the closest in spirit to Austen’s novel.