
Strange Confession - 1945 - USA

Strange Confession - 1945 - 6/10

Part of Universal’s “Inner Sanctum” series.  Viewers expected thrills or supernatural will be disappointed.
Stodgy drama, bordering on corn, finds brilliant chemist exploited by his boss, who soon takes a shine to his wife.
This feels like “product” and in many ways, it is.
The audio commentary, itself quite hit and miss, explains how Hollywood churned out films for the WWII home front.
With the war’s end, there would never be such strong casting for a B-film (Lon Chaney Jr, Lloyd Bridges, Brenda Joyce, J. Carroll Nash …).  Sets would be fewer and cheaper.  The commentary, when focused, serves the film.  
The print itself shows outstanding restoration, far beyond what one might expect for such a small vehicle.
J. Carroll Nash steals the movie.