
Empty Dream - 1965 - S Korea

Empty Dream - 1965 - 6/10
AKA - Chunmong  // 춘몽

The dentist’s office is hot, humid.  His drill is belt drive.  Anesthesia – inadequate.
The attractive female patient passes out first, followed by the male.
Who then has truly weird fantasies.

Based on an early Japanese Pinku, this has no nudity, but is wild with sets and camerawork.
Sets range from Expressionistic to theatre minimalism.
In the male patient’s dreamscape, the dentist is an aristocrat with top hat and cane.
He also sadistically tortures the female while the male patient watches helplessly.
Bizarre throughout, and the dental scenes are horrifying, especially if you grew up (as I did) with a dentist who still used belt driven equipment.  Slow grinding drills.  Terrible memories.