
Heaven And Earth - 1990 - Japan

Heaven And Earth - 1990 - 7/10
AKA - Ten to Chi to  // 天と地と

Sweeping epic of the multiyear conflict between warlord Takeda and local daimyō Kagetora.
Ambition versus protection.  One wants to conquer and unify Japan, the other safeguards his area.
Unfamiliar places and persons, along with shifting alliances, I simply rolled with.
My version is interspersed with English narration by a classic mumbler.
A huge draw for this, is that this is pre-CGI.  Thousands of extras, 800 horses.

After skirmishes and feints, the final battle is a doozy.
Thirty minutes of full bore action, often chaos.
Watching the generals shift formations, alter strategy, improvise.
Confusing at times, yes.  Yet admirable for the high reach.