
Coma - 2005 - S Korea

Coma - 2005 - 7/10
AKA - 코마

Surprisingly, there are few Asian dramas that are Horror themed.
There are a couple that touch on elements, such as Vampire Prosecutor, but none go as full bore as this neglected gem.

Five episode K-drama, set in a closing hospital.  Expect dark and deserted corridors.
Everything of value has been relocated and salvage employees scour floor by floor until they come to the door with the heavy steel bar, padlock, chains.  In the finest traditions, they break into the sealed room and unleash ...
First episode follows the insurance agent, handling the closure and dealing with patients, particularly one in a coma.
The agent had actually been there ten years earlier, so there are flashbacks showing what happened ten years ago and what in now unearthed.
Second episode, same night, follows the head nurse once the sealed room is open and flashes back to when she was a young nurse.
Third episode, the police detective.  Fourth episode - you get the pattern.

Atmospheric sound design, inspired use of minimal budget, clever lighting.
Each episode reveals more grim history.
Halloween fare for spooky hospital fans, revenge seekers, dead wet girls.
Excellent, self-contained Horror series.

If necessary, I reworked English subtitles that came off low rez YouTube versions.
I tightened dialogue, fixed grammar and syntax errors.
Subs = https://subscene.com/subtitles/coma-2005-1/english/1182758