
Edgar Allan Poe: Love, Death, and Women - 2010 - UK

Edgar Allan Poe: Love, Death, and Women - 2010 - 6/10

Curious documentary on the writer's female influences.
Actress mother, child bride, fellow poet, and the last attempted fling.
Film follows Poe's well known chronology, literary career, as well as social skills shortcomings.
Actors play the women, reading from letters and poems.  Narrator reads Poe.
Story is intercut with silent films (I could not recognize) and experimental shorts.
In some ways effective, in other ways distracting.
Likewise the score.  Ambiant music is mixed with Pink Floyd, The Cure, others.
Perhaps not the first-choice documentary on Poe, and it does have odd moments, yet the theme of the four women in his life provides a unique slant.