
Nightmare Cinema - 2019

Nightmare Cinema - 2019 - 6/10

Anthology horror is mixed bag, but when it hits – oh, when it hits, this strikes gold.
In each, a pedestrian walks the late night, deserted avenue, passing under the movie house.
On the marquee, the individual’s name and a cryptic title.  The empty booth offers a ticket.
The first tale is classic 80's slasher, energetic, faithful, funny, laced with twists.
Next is cosmetic surgery (females I sat with cringed), featuring Richard Chamberlain (still alive!!!) as the soft spoken surgeon of vast experience and additional suggestions.
Followed by the good priest, the beautiful nun, a class of children, and the dark presence.
The fourth is psychological horror and disintegration.  While I equated it with Cronenberg, the end credits were dedicated to Charly Cantor, nudging me to seek out this hitherto unknown individual.
Final sequence … well … you’ll find out.
While derivative, the enjoyment level on this is pretty good.  Mickey Rourke plays the “projectionist.”
Perfect to dip in and out.

Confession:  I misread and thought this film was associated with Mark Gatiss, which tempted me.
Wrong.  Mick Gariss, of whom I have several dismal books.  Watch this, avoid his writing.