
Hatchet For The Honeymoon - 1970 - Italy

Hatchet For The Honeymoon - 1970 - 6/10
AKA - Il Rosso Segno Della Follia

Beautiful girls are killed on the eve of their honeymoon, or on their honeymoon!
No mystery about the culprit, as we watch fashion designer John do the deeds.
The mystery is why he does the deeds.
Typical of Giallo, the sets and costumes are gorgeous, as are most of the players.
The pace is sluggish, though the narrative is coherent.
John’s home is stupendous!  Vast rooms, grand staircases, huge entryways.
My favorite room was packed with mannequins, all dressed in bridal attire.
Not a first choice for Giallo, but should satisfy fans of the genre.