
Impetigore - 2019 - Indonesia

Impetigore - 2019 - 6/10
AKA - Perempuan Tanah Jahanam

Maya is stalked, then while working at the toll booth, she is assaulted.
Wielding a machete, the man apologizes,  “I’m sorry, but you curse our village.  I must kill you.”
“I don’t know you!”  she screams.  “I never heard of your village!”
Fortunately, police arrive and the would-be assassin is shot dead.
So what would you do?  Go to a remote, isolated village where everyone wants your life?
That’s what Maya does, seeking answers.

Another fine Joko Anwar film.  This is shot during late afternoon and night.
The mood stays grim and foreboding throughout.  The cinematography in this, as in other Anwar films I have viewed, is well thought out and imaginative.
The plot is somewhat rehashed, but the style is mesmerizing.
For those who adored Hong Kong cinema (before Chinese censors and mainstream audiences diluted it), check out this director.