
Let’s Get Lost - 1988

Let’s Get Lost - 1988 - 7/10

After watching Ethan Hawke’s well meaning, but sweetened portrayal of Chet Baker, I dug out this blunt alternative.
The face and soul of chronic addiction.

Difficult, at times abrasive, portrayal of the performer, something of a cult figure.
Flashbacks, old photos, recent performances.
Candid answers and ruminations from Mr. Baker are contrasted with corrections from fellow sidemen and the women in his life.
Mother, one of his wives, his daughter, two girlfriends.
This is  a beautiful film, gorgeous in black and white, but it is something of an art project.
Director Bruce Weber sticks to his conceit of withered beauty, focusing on time and heroin’s ravage of the Prince of Cool
A haunting viewing experience, though it is not a documentary, and certainly not a biography.
Let’s Get Lost is more Bruce Weber, and less Chet Baker.

Confession, I'm a big fan of Chet Baker.  I have close to sixty recordings and I'm still buying titles of his.
A poignant artist of despair and regret, especially in his mature years.