
Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story - 2017

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story - 2017 - 6/10

Near sighted documentary beckons like a siren, delivers strays.
An MGM player, renowned for her beauty, like Clara Bow her face is more remembered than her films.
Her filmography is barely sketched, likewise her six marriages.
A Wikipedia search will yield more substance on the woman herself.
Lamarr, the inventor, is the chief thrust of this documentary, other aspects are shortchanged.
Few of her inventions are actually shown, the main declaration is that she invented encrypted radio.
In essence, Wifi.
Her patent expired and she lacked the wherewithal to get research funding.
Happens.  There are untold thousands whose idea or invention got picked up and/or credited to others.
A good percentage of those were probably women.  Forgotten.  Then again, they were not film stars.
The writer-editor-director-producer (one in the same) delivers a one trick pony.