
Burning - 2018 - S Korea

Burning - 2018 - 6/10
AKA - Beoning // 버닝

Slow burn mystery / thriller has been getting Hitchcock comparisons.
Do not be misled.  Hitchcock understood propulsive narration.  This lags.
Village youth works as courier in the city.
He meets a girl from his village who asks if he could watch her cat while she goes on holiday.
She returns with new friend, Ben, wealthy, bit of a decadent wastrel.
Ben “adopts” her like a pet.  When she disappears, he shrugs.
The village boy, who nursed a crush for her, wonders.  Suspects.
Problem is, it is impossible to tell if his suspicions are well founded, or paranoia.
Again, this is very slow going.  A character study, more than a clue laden mystery,