
The Last Of Sheila - 1973 - USA

The Last Of Sheila - 1973 - 5/10

Old fashioned Hollywood lineup assembles in timeworn yarn of multiple suspects in a mysterious killing.
Mogul (James Coburn) “invites” has-beens and hopefuls to his Mediterranean yacht for a week of games.
Mix of Clue and Treasure Hunt with revealing cards and exposed secrets.
Ian McShane, Raquel Welch, James Mason, Dyan Cannon, Richard Benjamin are in the cast.
Written by Stephen Sondheim and Anthony Perkins, actual puzzle fanatics and game players.
First third has fabulous location shooting and propulsive drive.
Then it all bogs down into sluggish chamber drama
Very talky, exposition becomes paramount.  “Show, don’t say” rule is discarded.