
Death Walks At Midnight - 1972 - Italy

Death Walks At Midnight - 1972 - 6/10
AKA - La Morte Accarezza a Mezzanotte

Endure another stale party?  Or leave, and pray the man trying to kill you isn’t nearby.
If only Valentina hadn’t taken that experimental drug (HSD).
Then had flashbacks, witnessing a brutal, disfiguring murder.
Whereupon her face and testimony are plastered in a tell-all scandal mag.
Ho hum, publicity is money and a girl has to eat.
Lively, often bewildering Giallo, has six plots and several oddball characters.
Drugs, assassins, looney bin, two-faced liars.
Actually, it all works, with a narrative both twisted and logical.
Bit over the top at times, naturally, this should hold ones interest.