
The Big Heat - 1988 - Hong Kong

The Big Heat - 1988 - 6/10
AKA - Seng Fat Dak Ging  // 城巿特警

From the opening drill through the hand to the final fireball, this film is balls to the wall.
Two cops initiate the rookie into unrestrained gunfights, foot chases through hectic freeway lanes, and squaring off against the high powered, well heeled, businessman / mobster.
The narrative is tucked into the furious proceedings.  The death of an ex-partner and suspected smuggling.
Violent mayhem includes decapitation, dismemberment, shootings, stabbings, carvings.
There is also the criminal undercurrent, frequently alluded to, that the 1997 Takeover is coming, and time to profit is now, right now!
A lesser known Hong Kong film starring Waise Lee and Philip Kwok, and an early directing hit by Johnnie To.