
The Phantom - 1943 - USA

The Phantom - 1943 - 6/10

Classic Columbia serial, perhaps their best.  Tom Tyler stars as the Ghost Who Walks.
Here, the Phantom helps a jungle expedition search for the lost city of Zolos.
Opposition includes evil saboteurs, zealous tribal leader, treasure hunters.
Fairly decent cliffs include lion, alligator, tiger, gorilla.  Luckily the Phantom has a great dog, Devil.
Tyler excellent in title role.  Athletic and muscular.  Perhaps the template Bionic Bob had in mind for Strikes!
Credits only list two, but also starring Frank Shannon (Dr Zarkov from Flash Gordon) and the ever wily, Kenneth MacDonald who was a stellar villain.

Hard to tell where this was set.  Expedition members all wear pith helmets, porters seem to be South American, natives appear South Pacific, then there’s a Mongol ruler.
Wholesome matinee fare, though many more killings than anticipated.

Note:  Though helmed by SPCA poster child B Reeves Eason, animals seemed to fare OK in this series.