
Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex - 2008 - Germany

Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex - 2008 - 7/10

After reading about the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army), and what a group of amateurs they were, I dug this out.

Baader Meinhof
follows the genesis of the gang from 60's student protesters, and their radicalization into the  RAF (Red Army Faction) following brutal police crackdowns.

During the bloody 70's, the RAF robbed banks to raise funds, bombed police stations and US military bases in Germany, assassinated prosecutors, bankers, ex Nazi businessmen, killing at least 34.

Film captures all that, including public sympathy for the RAF, political maneuvering to crush the members, the growth of second and third generation members after incarceration of the leaders, and continued terror into the 90's.
Violent, gory history lesson, upsetting the delusion the 60's was all peace, love and understanding.