
Seasons Of Love - 2012 - France

Seasons Of Love - 2012 - 6/10
AKA - Climats

Philippe meets Odile, falls in love, and impulsively marries her.
She is Parisian, he is more rural.  She is artistic, he runs a paper manufacturer.
Odile is self-assured, on the surface.  Philippe is insecure, and not steeped in culture.
Moreover, Philippe’s family, especially his mother, wants grandchildren, heirs.

Fairly timeless story, though this runs from 1934-1939.  Historians know what looms on the horizon.
Detailed eye for costumes, interiors.  Provincial attitudes, jealousy, implausible explanations.
Excellent supporting characters.  Philippe’s world wise aunt, Odile’s “retired” father, as well as the two females who flit though the couple’s shadow, Misa and Isabelle.