
Incendies - 2011 - Canada

Incendies - 2011 - 7/10

The notary addresses the twins (male and female) during the reading of their mother’s last will and testament.
The girl is given an envelope to give to their father.  What father?  Mom had always been the lone parent.
The son is given an envelope to give to their brother.  Brother?  What brother?
The children leave Canada and head toward their mother’s birthplace.  Lebanon.
And begin to unravel who their mother truly was.
In the 70’s, Lebanon succumbed to a brutal civil war between Christians and Muslims.
Dual storylines of the orphans following threads, learning of horrors, mixed with their mother’s youthful journey away from fire and death and unfinished promises.
Violence, murders, torture, and dark revelations set the tone.