
Secret Service Of The Imperial Court - 1984 - Hong Kong

Secret Service Of The Imperial Court - 1984 - 6/10
AKA - Gam Vee Wai  //  錦衣衛

Violent, gory, and downbeat period actioner from late Shaw Brothers era.
The new emperor is preoccupied with plenty of nude girls supplied by the court eunuch.
While he is distracted, the evil eunuch (are there any other kind?)  peddles influence, kills rivals, and positions himself as all-powerful.  
Even the elite band of court assassins, the Brocade Guard, falls under his sway.
Except for Sergeant Zhao Bufan, who gets squeezed between duty and righteousness.
Numerous fights accompanied with geysers and severed limbs.
Plot a bit confusing, and the body count is damn near everyone in the film.
Fairly entertaining now, though when released it was considered old fashioned.
Such as - the musical sequence.
Shaw Brothers popcorn.