
The Expanse - 2015 - USA

The Expanse - 2015 - 7/10

Yeah, there’s a sucker born every minute.
I can’t tell you how many SciFi shows I take a chance on when I know - I know - they are going to blow.
Most are pathetically lame, written by unimaginative hacks, with plots for the lowest common denominator.
Well - this one ain’t!  Probably because it is based on a clutch of well written novels.
This, set a couple hundred years in the future, details the conflict and intrigue between Mars and Earth.
Caught in the middle are the “Belters,” denizens of the Asteroid Belt who are treated as grunt labor.
Unlike most SciFi, this is packed with ships and space.  Multiple plotlines that converge, yes!
S02 maintains this standard, adds characters and deepens storylines.
S03 is a terrific finale to the first trilogy.
BSG fans, hit this.

Afterthought:  I knew, I KNEW, I should have quit after the initial trilogy.
Except I couldn’t help myself.
S04 muddled around inside “The Ring,” and was alright as far as world building.
S05 - S06 reflect conflict and combat.  Discouraging and, in a way, depressing.
While set in “the future,” The Expanse shows how infinitesimal humanity’s journey from the cave has been.
We still murder each other, we still kill each other, we drink hate and thirst for revenge.
The Expanse, for all the technological advancement, showcases humankind as remaining primitive.