
Spectral - 2016 - USA

Spectral - 2016 - 6/10

Bose-Einstein students, check this out!
Planet Earth's global police force (the U S of A military) fights in Moldava.
The enemy has unleashed something uncategorical, and US troops are getting their asses kicked.
Ghost - alien - undead - A I - molemen - spirits - robots?  There is an unworldly element to the “spectral" force, and producers are good about teasing the denouement.
Warning - Try to avoid spoiler riddled reviews if you can.
A weapons designer is summoned from the States to take the measure of the enemy.
Similar to Cruise’s Edge Of Tomorrow, with even less character development.
Solid cast, mostly men, not boys.  Heavy combat action enhance this SciFi / Horror yarn.
The more you can suspend disbelief, the better you may enjoy, though jargon and explanations do stretch thin at times.