
Blast Of Silence - 1961 - USA

Blast Of Silence - 1961 - 6/10

Frank, hitman from Cleveland, exits the train in New York, then heads south.
Further, eight-ball, all the way, until he catches the Staten Island Ferry.
Onboard, his client hands the envelope containing half payment and photo of the target.
Looking at the weak mouth and foolish mustache, Franks hates him already.
The target is a low level guy with “ambitions” and two bodyguards.
Frank hates them too, along with the season, Christmas, and the busy pedestrians.
Frank has a lot of hate, pent up, which the mob appreciates.
Chance encounters with old friends, however, kink up his pattern.
New York street scenes predominate in gritty, low budget film.
Frank’s stream of consciousness narrates constantly.
At first, I found this irritating, then simply rolled with it.
One of the last from the “classic” Noir era.