
God Help The Girl - 2014 - UK

God Help The Girl - 2014 - 8/10

Three minutes in, I asked,  “Is this based on a musical?”
The females who selected this quickly answered,  “I hope not.”
There were songs throughout - lots of them.
Internal songs, numbers for a prospective concert, others, to quote Mr Wilson, busy doing nothing.
A small percentage will love this film, destined to become a cult fave.  A greater proportion will shrug or dislike.
The cinematography is stylized and lush.  For some, and this will be the last spike, there are dance numbers.
Odd coming of age tale, omitting the typical love angle.
Troubled girl escapes from clinic / halfway house, goes to Glasgow, tries to work on her song craft.
The theme is of the friends you make in your late teens, early twenties.  Your peers.
The ones who help you through the awkward, often painful transition into adulthood.
The ones who, for the briefest of springs, mean the whole world to you.

Yet that period is so very brief.
Bittersweet, and again, not everyone will enjoy.