
Der Samurai - 2014 - Germany

Der Samurai - 2014 - 4/10

Can’t say I wasn’t warned.
Low-budget horror film from Germany earned scathing reviews ... except ... from pretentious arthouse types.
In whose ranks I probably belong.
Apparently I am not pretentious enough, however.
Local police officer deals with problem wolf by feeding it in the woods.
“What are you trying to do?”  everyone asks.  “Feeding it won’t get rid of it!”
Chasing a lead, he enters an abandoned house and finds a homeless squatter.
Male - wearing a dress - applying makeup - wielding a samurai sword.
Lots of speculative arguments follow, along with foot chases.
Is the guy a werewolf?  Or an escapee of sorts in a dress?
Film - shot almost exclusively at night - suffers from limited costs.  No plot and no effects.
Dull - boring - offscreen gore - no sex - no nudity - scant violence.
Wine ‘n cheese crowd might enjoy better, indie horror flick connoisseurs that we are.