
Lambert And Stamp - 2014 - UK

Lambert And Stamp - 2014 - 6/10

Split side documentary of duo who managed The Who, detailing the calculated rise followed by litigation.
Doc can be divided into “before Tommy” and “after Tommy.”
Meaning it is entertaining and absorbing up to that point, as the group struggles to strike maximum success.
Mostly talking head interviews, clippings, old footage, usual documentary material.
After Tommy hurls the group into Rock’s upper echelon, the narrative begins to skip over details.
There was a falling out, that is not clearly explored nor explained.
At one point the pair were discharged for “mismanagment,” though Stamp loudly protested.
Internet research indicates Mr Lambert had been skimming royalties for a substance problem.
The whole second half is filled with unanswered questions.  When did Lambert die?  Where?  What causes?
In one scene, why did Daltrey refuse to talk with Stamp in the garden?
Stamp also died in 2012 - no mention is made of that.
Hardcore Who fans will likely enjoy this more than average viewers.
Bear in mind, this is a documentary about the managers, not the group itself.