
Shinobi no Mono 7: Mist Saizo Strikes Back - 1966 - Japan

Shinobi no Mono 7: Mist Saizo Strikes Back - 1966 - 7/10
AKA - Shin Kirigakure Saizô  //  忍びの者 新・霧隠才蔵

The ailing emperor retains the Fuma clan to finish off the Iga ninjas.
Following events of Shinobi 6, the Iga are little more than a company, perhaps smaller.
Theirs is now a rearguard action.  As they win small battles, their numbers dwindle.
Strategies succeed at times, or members fall into traps, or are betrayed.
As always, terrific stuntwork, complicated fight choreography.
Visually, the series grows progressively darker, in keeping with the fatalistic tone.
With a final installment to go, one could predict this may not end well.