
The Village Of Eight Gravestones - 1977 - Japan

The Village Of Eight Gravestones - 1977 - 7/10
AKA - Yatsuhaka-Mura  //  八つ墓村

1566.  Fleeing defeat of their clan, eight samurai warriors hide in an isolated village.
Safe, until the villagers murder them.  Dying, the warriors curse the village.

Airport employee Tatsuya’s presence is requested at his childhood village.
The head of the family is running out of time, and the heir is the distantly related Tatsuya.
Within the isolated area, resentment simmers, along with envy.
And apparently, the centuries old curse remains in force, targeting Tatsuya’s family.
Atmospheric thriller doles out mysteries, shadowy characters, and high tension.
At 2+ hours, it is too long, languid at times, though there is a memorable cave sequence.