
Naked Lunch - 1991 - Canada

Naked Lunch - 1991 - 7/10

“… rub some of this bug powder on my lips.”
Should you possess a typewriter, a talking typewriter, who are you to deny such a small request?
Astounding adaptation of the Burroughs’ novel!
Bug exterminator Bill Lee, sampling his own insecticide, grows addicted.
Before he knows it, he is in the middle of espionage activities in the Interzone.
Sexual gamesmanship, a Mugwump colleague, the hallucinatory fog.
Fans of Cronenberg, fans of Burroughs, you’ve already viewed this.  Numerous times.
As have I.  In the theater, at home, high, drunk, late night.  Any time is the right time.
More powder, please.