
What Have You Done To Solange? - 1972 - Italy

What Have You Done To Solange? - 1972 - 7/10
AKA - Cosa Avete Fatto a Solange?

The first murder occurs near the banks of the Thames.  An especially ugly one, with a long knife.
There was a witness, however.  Maybe.  See, she was distracted, her boyfriend was on top of her.
Police investigate, and start to dig into the Catholic girls school.
What a slippery nest that is.  Secrets, suspects, misdeeds.
Absolutely stunning Giallo!  At first I thought I was seeing an earlier version of Red Rings Of Fear.
No.  The plotting in this is outstanding, the direction restrained, stacking mysteries, building tension.
Recommended to anyone curious about this genre, easily a top ten Giallo.