
The Night Manager - 2016 - UK

The Night Manager - 2016 - 6/10

Acclaimed thriller about night manager of ritzy Cairo hotel involved with filthy rich armaments dealer.
His reasons are personal - ethical - and old-fashioned vengeance.
A nest of lies and intrigue enhance suspenseful plot.  Talent, locations, photography, all superb.
Hugh Laurie marvelous as the cynical, suspicious, amoral Richard Roper.
Watch it, then move on quickly, because you do not want to rethink this one.

Clichés run the gamut from hero who cannot refrain from forbidden fruit, to the wary kingpin who lowers his guard, to the same kingpin not layering himself.
What else?  Hotel manager, really?  Yes, it is terribly swank.
Would manager of trendy high-end shoe store have worked?  Posh wine seller?  Mercedes Benz dealer?
Watch - don’t think.