
An Evening With Groucho - 2022 - USA

An Evening With Groucho - 2022 - 8/10  

Frank Ferrante’s one man play about the one, the only, Groucho!
Growing up with a stage mother who pushed the sons into showbiz.
Lengthy recollections of Chico, less of Harpo and Zeppo, a bit of Gummo.
Other reminisces include Margaret Dumont, Charlie Chaplin, W. C. Fields, T.S. Eliot (that relationship would make a play in and of itself).
I believe he performs every song.  The energy is electrical.
He climbs into a good-natured Baltimore audience and engages members into the madness.
Ferrante has been enacting Groucho for 30+ years, 3000 shows.
If you cannot make his show, this is well photographed and miked.
Marx Brothers fans, essential!