
The World Of Kanoka - 2014 - Japan

The World Of Kanoka - 2014 - 7/10
AKA - Kawaki  // 渇き。

After her daughter goes missing, she contacts her ex.
Ex-husband, ex-detective, ex-father.  Repellent failure on every front.
He ought to take his meds, which don’t stop him from violent outbursts.
Or from raping his wife, beating up schoolgirls, fighting with police or yakuza.
Meanwhile, there is the absent daughter, whose life echoes that of Alice.
“… who fell into a hole so deep. that she kept falling …”
Volatile (understatement) Neo Noir drenched in sex, violence, gore, torture, fatality.
Seijun Suzuki on acid.  Caveat emptor.