
Victory Of The Faith - 1933 - Germany

Victory Of The Faith - 1933 - 6/10
AKA - Der Sieg des Glaubens

By such spider threads, history survives.
The fifth Nuremberg Rally.
Leni Riefenstahl, approached late to film the event, had only a few days to organize.
Similar to Triumph Of The Will, this is very much a rough draft.
Opening and closing marches, boy drummers, speeches.
On the other hand, there are huge differences.
Such as the SA dominating the opening.  Older faces, veterans of the World War I.
Seen also are Göring, Goebbels, Streicher, Speer, von Papen … and … Röhm.

Who would be assassinated within a year during the Night Of The Long Knives.
The editing and camerawork in the first half is masterful, but by the second half feels disorganized.
Laden with too many speeches, the pace slows.
Nevertheless, after Röhm’s murder and the dismantling of the SA, Hitler ordered all prints of this destroyed.
Riefenstahl had brought a copy to England in 1934, where it was lost, until discovered in 1980’s.