
A Long Way Down - 2014 - UK

A Long Way Down - 2014 - 6/10

Film launches with a disgraced television presenter preparing to jump from a towering building.
A woman approaches behind him, asking if he will be long.  She’s in a hurry to leap.
Next, another female.  Then a guy.  You get the picture.
On New Years Eve, no less, and no one carries bubbly.  No wonder they are depressed.
With group suicide as a beginning, how far down can it go?

Start asking yourself questions: Could these characters become unlikely friends?
Will they realize their miserable lives aren’t so miserable after all?
Will fun and laughter start creeping into their lives?
Large name cast wisecracks Nick Hornby’s feel-good novel.
This coulda shoulda been over in 2 minutes.  Less talking, more jumping.