
Farewell, My Lovely - 1975 - USA

Farewell, My Lovely - 1975 - 7/10

“Find my Velma.”
And Marlowe is shanghaied into searching for the hulking Moose’s old flame.
Velma had disappeared seven years earlier, after Moose went into the slammer.
As Marlowe hunts, others seek furiously, and lethally, for Moose Malloy.
Two steps forward lead to one step back and two more sideways.
Police, prostitutes, murder, dope, nudity, language.
This is Film Noir, but it ain’t 1946 Noir.  Actually, there are references setting this in 1941.
Historical namedrops:  DiMaggio’s streak and Operation Barbarossa.
Cars, I was less sure about (I needed my father to nitpick there).
I switched the color to black and white at one point, but it lacked the depth and contrast to resemble Noir.
Exceptional homage, nonetheless, beautifully stitched tale of doom and betrayal.
Mitchum, John Ireland, Charlotte Rampling, Harry Dean Stanton, (a slim) Sly Stallone.