
Almost Human - 2013 - USA

Almost Human - 2013 - 6/10

Bit of a mistake, this.  I had watched the Swedish series Äkta Människor, then decided I wanted to view the remake.  Only I chose this buddy cop series instead of Humans.
This is a slick, empty headed failure.  Glossy high tech, stereotype roles.
Angry cop, wise supervisor, nervous geek deep in his lab, mouthwatering chrome-femme colleague.
Angry cop’s new partner is a discontinued robot model (with synthetic soul, that way the actor doesn’t have to speak and move like other androids).
Plots are stale, outcomes predictably happy, dialogue is crap, acting stiff.
In the year 2048, there are still cellphones, cars, desk computers, nightclubs, as well as Frisbee sized drones.
There are noodle shops and plenty of booze.  Blame limited imagination on producer J H Wyman (Fringe).
J J Abrams created the three-note opening music, yet the rest of the music, better, is by Crystal Method.
For the patient, by E10 the show finds its footing and voice.  Original ratings tanked around that point.
For the first time, the underbelly of an elite city is shown, also a growing class divide between normal humans and genetically perfect ones, and rudimentary story arcs appear.
After E13, there are a couple of loose ends, but no annoying cliffhangers.
I have read it is canceled,  I have read it is renewed.  Eh.