
Finger Of Guilt - 1956 - UK

Finger Of Guilt - 1956 - 6/10
AKA - The Intimate Stranger

Film producer Reggie is being, well, not blackmailed.  More like stalked.
He keeps getting mash notes from dewy-eyed Evelyn, wanting to resume their relationship.
“What relationship?  I don’t know you!  Or perhaps I’m going mad.”
And perhaps Reggie is going off track.  Marriage on the rocks, career in a tailspin.
So he decides to meet his so-called ex-amour.

British potboiler, melodrama, has weak mystery angles, along with occasional Noir lighting.
Much of the film occurs in and around the studio;  fun to observe but also a budget cheat.
The narrative feels tired, and a reveal is given prematurely, letting sharp eyes perceive who, if not why.