
What’s The Matter With Helen? - 1971 - USA

What’s The Matter With Helen? - 1971 - 6/10

“What?  On, no, she’s fine, poor thing.  Just having another one of her spells.”
Their two sons convicted of a gruesome killing, the mothers decide to head to California.
Open a dance school and train future movie stars.  Left-footed children and bossy mothers.
In classic 1930’s fantasy, Adelle (Debbie Reynolds) has snagged herself a rich Texan.
Quiet, reserved Helen, however, she’s going wacko and praying for the Almighty to lend a helping hand.
Low key satire of stage moms and theatrical hams.
Good period atmosphere.  Sets, costumes, music.
Foxtrots with camp throughout before bounding into Grand Guignol.
I imagine the leads had a blast making this one.