
The Chinese Boxer - 1970 - Hong Kong

The Chinese Boxer - 1970 - 7/10
AKA - Long hu Dou  //  The Hammer Of God  // 龙虎斗

A disgraced ex-pupil returns to his master’s school, defeats most students, then is pummeled by the master.
Later, he returns with three karate experts from Japan, and the tables turn.
Students and teachers are slain, the school obliterated.  And the village begins to bleed.
Wait.  There was one survivor.  Who begins to train.
Astounding hard-fisted actioner,  a precursor to John Woo’s heroic bloodshed,
Violent, gory, brutal fights, over the top villains, and in its fearless attitude, a whale of fun.
Memorable scenes include painful training, and a stealthy battle in the snowy reeds.