
Candlestick - 2014 - UK

Candlestick - 2014 - 5/10

"Friends" gather at Jack's for a dinner date.
In homage to the game Clue, the ominous candlestick arrives on the coffee table.
Loaded conversation, drinking, and gamesmanship progress.
Action occurs on one set, or, for one scene, outside on the street.
Lines are mannered, direct from drama school.
Seriously, this is like watching an Off-Broadway or fringe London theatrical production.
Note - I might have foolishly paid $30.00 or £20.00 to sit through this.
Characters are 99% predictable to the point of being talky cartoons, minus any satire.

Oddities include - three principals wear the same shade of maroon (shirt - dress - tie).
Music, what scant amount there is, apes Bernard Hermann.
Unless Jack spins a record, in which case he plays a 78 (yes, a 78 rpm vinyl and few turntables do 78).
Jack’s phones (two of ‘em for one flat) are both landline, rotary dial.
Hipster wannabe.
Attend community theatre or college boards, instead of this.