
Loving Highsmith - 2022 - Switzerland

Loving Highsmith - 2022 - 6/10

Documentary on novelist Patricia Highsmith.
Childhood, impossible relationship with her mother (who rejected her), romantic dalliances.
Talking heads include relatives (nieces?) and partners, along with experts.
Scenes from four film adaptations:  Strangers On A Train (1951), The American Friend (1977) from “Ripley’s Game”, The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), and Carol (2015).
The doc is enlightening, and maddeningly opaque.
Dialogue is in English, French and German.  The version I saw had no subtitles.
One gleans the gist of conversations, but unless you are multi-lingual I suggest you hold off until this comes with subtitles.
For now, stick with her listing on Wikipedia.