
Maybe I’ll Come Home In The Spring - 1971 - USA

Maybe I’ll Come Home In The Spring - 1971 - 6/10

After living with her hippie boyfriend, Dennie returns to home in suburbia.
Parents, though delighted she is back, have no idea why she left in the first place.
Their middle class life is wonderful!  Barbeque, cocktails, conformity.
Dennie is trying, really trying to readjust (the hippie lot was harder than she thought).
Yet, watching her parents, their friends, we observe the stifling home she fled.
Plus, her younger sister, desperate to escape, repeatedly voices the negative.
A perfectly cast Sally Field, Flying Nun in her rearview mirror, is the beating heart of this.
People idealize the Sixties, forgetting the rotten ending for so many, for so much.