
Beyond Outrage - 2012 - Japan

Beyond Outrage - 2012 - 7/10
AKA - アウトレイジ ビヨンド

Well executed Takeshi Kitano crime drama, very much in his oeuvre.
Police detective starts manipulating rival yakuza, trying to instigate a war and land himself a promotion.
At the center is Otomo, recently paroled con whose yakuza family was destroyed by a traitor.
The men here are all smart and wily.  They know they are being played, yet run their own stakes.
Lies, double-crosses, honor, revenge.
Typically of Kitano, the pace is slow.  Talking and calculation predominate over violence.
The film is packed with beatings and bullets, however.
Black sacks and a memorable batting practice sequence.
This is a direct sequel to 2010‘s Outrage.
Viewing that first will clarify characters early on, but one can view this without seeing that one.
Both films boast a roll call of Japanese talent.