
Murder In Tours - 2018 - France

Murder In Tours - 2018 - 6/10
AKA - Les Mystères de la Basilique

“Rag!”  she calls out.  Worried?  Needing to talk, or in a frisky mood?
Searching the abandoned factory, now an artist’s enclave, she finds Raglain’s mutilated corpse.
Nearby, a large canvas of a female nude has been slashed to ribbons.
At the same time, a priceless religious relic, hitherto unknown, is stolen from a basilica.
Coincidence?  Or just an excuse to pair a police officer with a priest?
Focus is on a gallery of suspects, as well as the unrelated stolen artifact.
The artist’s group is forgotten after five minutes, and the church seems oddly unresponsive about the loss of a 1000 year old possession.
If you can overlook such plotholes, this will suffice as an adequate mystery.
French outing benefits from well executed premise and tight editing.